If you need a resource permit and you do not get one, the local board may ask you to stop your activities. You have the right to ask your local council for suggestions from your neighbours. City Council records related to resource permit and building permit applications are public documents. If the neighbor does not accept the payment, you can follow a formal procedure to ask your neighbor for a contribution. You can begin this process by giving your neighbor a notice of closure. Our neighbor doesn`t want a fence! We put them in the tender for the closure and they voted against the presence of a fence. We know we are entitled to a border fence and they have to pay half, but what are we doing now? Notwithstanding the fact that it may be a matter of ownership, and regardless of the amount involved, the court has jurisdiction over all matters and disputes arising from this Act with respect to the following matters: landowners are allowed to dig or dig their own land, but neighbors are entitled to “natural support”, that is, lateral support of the earth in its natural location. Excavations that appear to remove the supports alone are not enough to hold the excavation owner accountable – the damage must have been caused by subsidence. Making a deal with your neighbor before you do any work is usually the most cost-effective and quickest way to get the job done. If you can`t reach an agreement with your neighbour, you can send them a notice of closure.

*I make the following counter-proposals: [present all counter-proposals in the same manner as necessary for a notice of closure]. Standard closing agreements have often become redundant because they tend to bind only the original parties to the agreement, especially if the agreement is registered as part of a backyard subdivision where the original owner of the adjacent land does not want to pay the closing costs. However, the terms of each covenant must be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis to determine how long the commitment lasts and who it binds. Closing Agreement means a commitment, agreement or reservation that is not a closing contract that relates in any way to work on a fence between adjacent properties; and includes an agreement not to erect a fence A closure agreement is an agreement between two parties in which a party cannot be compelled to contribute to the cost of erecting a fence or to the cost of work to be done on a fence. When you bought your property, your lawyer probably gave you a plan from the title that shows the boundaries of your country. These boundaries were established by survey during the first division of the land and cannot be changed without your consent and the consent of others whose property is affected. If the neighbour who receives a notice of closure does not send a counter-notification within 21 days, he or she will be deemed to agree with the proposals contained in the notice of closure. The other person can start working on the fence and claim the cost from the neighbour as indicated in the notice of closure. The occupation of land on both sides of the fence does not constitute a lease or is considered unfavourable property and does not affect the ownership or possession of land, except for the purposes of this Act. They are often found on the titles of subdivided properties. If a fencing wedding ring is recorded on your title, it is important that you read it first before trying to apply it or do any work.

Please note that I object to your notice of closure of …. Day from …………. 20 . Nothing in paragraph 1 shall apply to a closure agreement that protects a local authority from the obligation to contribute to work on a fence between a public reserve transferred to or managed by that local authority and adjacent land. Hello, I erected a 1.8m high wooden fence that somewhat reduced the noise of the main road. However, this is not enough. Can you please recommend acoustic fencing solutions for a busy main road? I accidentally removed a mound of earth from the same area, which allowed the noise to penetrate. If you find yourself in such circumstances, unless the work is urgent, you must issue a notice of closure to erect, move or complete the fence work.

However, before you do this, you should consider the following. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, you can go to the Dispute Resolution Tribunal (for claims under $30,000) or the District Court to request a review. Except as provided in section 6, nothing in this Act affects any agreement, contract or arrangement between the landlord and the lessee or between adjacent residents or between other persons with respect to work on a fence or whether or not the work is to be carried out; but no such agreement, contract or arrangement can create land interest. At the same time, if you claim that you are not obliged to pay for the fences, you can inform me and provide the name and address of the person responsible for the fence in connection with your property. .