Some housing providers may also consider applicants who: are homeless; flee domestic violence or abuse; or have a serious health condition that is affected by their current accommodation. If this applies to you, you may want to have an additional form completed by an external auditor. Clients must reapply each year. Before the end of your grant, we will send you an application form. A letter from your bank with your bank details: must be stamped by your bank. Lol We encourage eligible families who have registered with the Housing Registry to apply to the Rent Assistance Program, as the Rent Assistance Program can provide financial assistance when they are looking for other accommodations. Note: Income support includes a shelter allowance. Housing allowances from two sources are not allowed. Exception: You may be eligible for the rent assistance program if you have been denied the end of your income support and you are receiving medical benefits. Applicants with serious health, medical or social needs, such as . B.dem risk of homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, living in severely inadequate housing or transitioning to a more independent living situation. Find out if you are eligible for subsidized housing and find out how to apply.

Rent supplements are part of a broader strategy for affordable housing. Applicants with moderate housing needs compared to the previous two categories, i.e. .B. living in temporary or inadequate housing. Support is only paid by direct deposit to your bank account. If you don`t currently have a bank account, you`ll need to open one. Depending on the number of adults living in the rental unit, a portion of the full monthly rent will be allocated to your household and this amount will be used in calculating program support. If you are considered for a vacant dwelling, the accommodation provider will call you for more information. At this point, the housing provider will perform additional validations and checks to determine if they offer you an available unit. Each housing provider will have its own process for reviewing and evaluating applications for possible tenancies. Housing Registry members aim to maximize the use of the limited availability of affordable housing by bringing eligible applicants together with entities that meet their needs, in a community where they can be adequately supported to provide them with the best chance of a successful rental while cultivating communities free from fear of violence, are criminal activities and disturbances of any kind that pose a risk to others.

Most housing providers conduct homeowner reference checks when reviewing applicants for available future housing. If you don`t have a landlord reference, some housing providers may consider other referrals, such as: Use housing listings to find subsidized housing in B.C. There are two ways to apply for buildings, and the housing lists will inform you of the application process for each building. You must apply for each building by: Please provide the day and evening phone numbers or the phone number of a contact person so that housing providers can contact you when a unit becomes available. By keeping your file up to date, we can customize your support and avoid overpayments. Tenants who have previously lived in socially subsidized housing can reapply as long as they meet the residency, income limit and target group criteria, as well as the following special criteria: Support is based on your previous year`s income. Fluctuations throughout the year will be recorded on your next tax return and will be reflected in the amount you receive in the future. If your income has decreased significantly and permanently, please contact us to determine if you are eligible for an adjustment.

Please submit a new VOID cheque or equivalent cheque. See Section B: Bank Account Information in Receipt Attachments. For more information on what an applicant must do to be considered for an apartment if there are unacceptable behaviors related to a previous tenancy, see the next section (below): Landlord References. Rent subsidies to help low-income working families and seniors in the private rental market. Financial assistance for those who need an adaptation to the apartment to live safely and independently. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your information, please call 604-433-1711 and request an interview with BC Housing`s Access to Information Representative or an email to Learn more about subsidized housing in B.C. Find affordable rental opportunities in the private market. The Rent Assistance Program is a “shelter” subsidy offered by the provincial government. Income support is a government subsidy that includes a “housing” subsidy. You cannot get two of the same forms of government subsidy, so those who receive income support are not eligible until the end of their income support.

*To find out which subsidized subdivisions are managed by members of the Housing Registry, see Housing lists. This program helps make rent more affordable for some households that are not eligible for our other rent assistance programs. Note: Applicants who may be excluded due to any of the above will have the opportunity to provide additional information and/or documentation in support of their application to demonstrate their suitability as a potential tenant. Each application and supporting documents are evaluated on their own merits. When you are offered an available unit, you usually have the opportunity to see the unit or a similar unit before making a decision. Don`t forget to keep your housing registry application up to date with the latest contact information. Former tenants of socially subsidized apartments may be subject to a file check. If the previous lease was terminated for cause, applicants may not be able to reapply. Files are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The Tenant Resources and Advisory Center (TRAC) also provides information to tenants about renting in British Columbia, including renting laminated units If BC Housing has not heard from an applicant for more than six months, their application is put on hold and a card requesting an update is sent to the last known address. If there is no response or the card is returned, the application will be cancelled and the applicant may need to complete a new accommodation application to be considered in the future. Please inform BC Housing immediately so that we can make the necessary changes to your file and adjust your support accordingly. If your rent has dropped, you should contact BC Housing immediately to avoid overpayments that you have to repay. If your rent has increased, your support may increase if you are not already at the rent limit. If you receive rent support payments while receiving income support, your account will be frozen and any overpayments will be due to BC Housing and will have to be reimbursed. Not all non-profit and co-operative organizations use the Housing Registry as a database of applicants, so to increase your chances of getting subsidized housing, we recommend that you apply directly to these nonprofits and cooperatives. The Rent Assistance Program provides eligible low-income working families with monthly assistance to help pay their monthly rent. Tenants who still have a loss of income may also be eligible for the Rent Assistance Program or SAFER (Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters) programs, which provide ongoing rent assistance to low-income families and seniors. Sometimes you may find that non-profit and co-op housing providers do not accept new applications because the number of applicants is already on their candidate lists. These candidate lists will reopen as soon as vacancies are available, so contact the housing provider.

Find a place to stay or a outreach agent. Learn more about the range of programs and services in British Columbia. Individual providers of non-profit or co-operative housing decide whether or not to apply an asset cap, and the maximum assets allowed may vary depending on the provider. There are two ways to get a Rental Assistance Program application form: You must have a bank account to receive your rental assistance payments. Cash assistance is only paid by making a direct deposit to your bank account on the last working day of each month. If you don`t currently have a bank account, you`ll need to open one. BC Housing is a Crown corporation that supports social housing, affordable housing, emergency shelters and homeless outreach, and regulates housing. It also handles rental surcharges. BC Housing reports to the Attorney General and the Minister of Housing. The province`s rental apartments (residential tenancy) website has information, forms and resources for tenants and landlords. Applicants with a special housing need or low housing need, for example.

B living in slightly overcrowded apartments. As long as you are eligible, your support will take effect in the month in which we receive your application at our office. For example, if your application is received by our office on March 29, your application will take effect in March. The rent assistance program pays retrospectively; The payment made at the end of March is the refund of the rent paid for the month of March. The Safer (Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters) programme provides direct cash assistance to 22,503 (as of 31 December 2017) low-income British Columbians aged 60 and over who rent on the private market. .