The purpose of these agreements is to provide employment and training programs and services that meet the labour market needs of workers and employers in designated First Nations communities. ASETS aims to improve labour market outcomes by supporting demand-driven skills development, promoting partnerships with the private and public sectors, and focusing on increased accountability and results. 10.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Canada and Ontario agree that the development and interconnection of online electronic systems for the retention of customer information data is an essential tool for effective and efficient case management for clients accessing services and measures in Ontario. The use and application of information obtained through system links is dealt with in Annex 6. ASETS Labour Market Development is the administrative headquarters of the Union of Ontario Indians in the Nipissing First Nation in North Bay, Ontario. The Office of Administration does not offer front-line programs and services. AsETS LMD provides administrative support to local delivery mechanisms with advice, support, advocacy and coordinates the training of LDM staff for the professional development of front-line staff. Quarterly LDM meetings are held throughout the year in January, March, June and October. 5.2 Canada and Ontario agree to enter into a separate Service Level Agreement that sets out information, system and security sharing requirements. 15.1 Canada and Ontario will develop an “Inventory of Assets” that will be transferred to Ontario without consideration. The assets that will be transferred to Ontario will be linked to the extent of Ontario`s responsibility for labour market development and the number of Canadian employees transferred to Ontario. On May 7, 2005, Canada and Ontario committed to developing a new labour market development regime to address current and emerging labour market priorities in Ontario. 2.2 Canada remains responsible for the provision of insurance services under Part I of the Employment Insurance Act and for those aspects of labour market development that are consistent with national interests, .
B such as response to national emergencies, measures to support labour mobility between provinces, promotion and support of national sector councils, the functioning of national labour market information and national employment service systems. other labour market programs and support for labour market research and innovative projects to test new approaches to improving the functioning of the labour market in Canada. 23.1 Canada and Ontario agree to conduct a review of the operation of this Agreement during the 2010-2011 fiscal year to assess whether desirable results are being achieved for both Parties and whether they should continue their labour market agreements under this Agreement. Upon completion of this review, either party may terminate the Agreement at any time with two business years` written notice to the other party. 13.4 Details of the vacancies described in sections 13.1 and 13.2 shall be set out in a Personnel Transfer Agreement (eTA) entered into by the Parties no later than March 31, 2006 and annexed as Annex 7. It is assumed that additional agreements may also be required under other federal legislation, such as the Public Service Superannuation Act. 4.1 Canada and Ontario are committed to ensuring continuity of service to Ontarians. In support of this commitment, both Parties agree that from the date of signature of this Agreement and up to and including December 31, 2006, Canada may extend or renew existing agreements or enter into new agreements for a maximum period of two (2) years. Ontario is committed to maintaining work-sharing in a manner that provides universal access to all clients and the timely transmission of information to the national labour exchange system if the parties to the agreement agree that this is appropriate.
3.2 Ontario`s service offerings will be tailored to the client`s needs, based on intensive and incremental interventions to improve a client`s employability with multiple barriers to self-service options and/or brief ready-to-work interventions. .