At the end of the trial period, an agreement between the parties is required to return to the usual working arrangements. Teleworkers who have expressed their willingness to work on the employer`s premises must be informed as a matter of priority of the jobs available in the company and corresponding to their qualifications. Employers must immediately inform employees who return to normal working arrangements of the exact location of their workplace on the employer`s premises and their hours of work (which must be comparable to those of other employees performing similar tasks in the company). The agreement regulates the conditions for transition from a “normal” employment relationship to telework, as well as the operating conditions of telework. The transition from an ordinary employment contract to telework is only possible with the written consent of the employee and the employer through an addendum to the employment contract. This kind of work cannot be imposed unilaterally on the other party. The first months of telework are considered a trial period during which the employer or employee may decide to return to standardized working conditions. During this period, which varies between three and 12 months, the conditions of employment are the same as during a normal probationary period. The end of the trial period for the first 15 days is prohibited, but a shortened notice period is available to return to the usual working arrangements (notice period of four calendar days per month of adjustment, which may not exceed one month). The probationary period is suspended for a maximum period of one month in the event of the employee`s illness and if she takes maternity leave. Once implemented, the interprofessional agreement will apply to all private sector employees for a period of three years.

However, the agreement does not deal with issues such as the affiliation of frontier workers to the competent national social security fund and the tax treatment of their wages. Private and professional data Employers must take appropriate measures to ensure the protection of data used and processed by teleworkers for professional purposes. Employers must respect the privacy of teleworkers. An agreement must be reached between the parties if the employer wishes to inspect the equipment provided to the teleworker. « 1. At the request of the social partners, dialogue between them at Community level may lead to contractual relations, including agreements. Where telework was part of the initial job description, the transition to standard working arrangements necessarily requires an agreement between the two parties by means of an addendum to the original employment contract, which must specify the working conditions resulting from the transfer. The employer must respect the principle of equal treatment of employees who are already in standard working conditions. For the first time, the social partners of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have introduced the procedure provided for in the Collective Employment Act(4), which allows trade unions and employers` representatives to sign agreements at national or intersectoral level. These inter-trade agreements differ from traditional collective agreements; however, they can be declared universally binding, as is the case for collective agreements. 2.

Agreements concluded at Community level shall be implemented either in accordance with the procedures and practices of management and labour and the Member States or, in the areas referred to in Article 137, at the joint request of the signatory parties, by a Council decision on a proposal from the Commission. The Council shall act by a qualified majority, unless the agreement in question contains one or more provisions in one of the areas for which unanimity is required under Article 137(2). In that case, it shall act unanimously. This is a historic agreement, as it is the first EU agreement to be implemented by the social partners themselves, both at EU and national level. On the 16th. In July 2002, the social partners(2) signed a first agreement at EU level under Article 139 of the EC Treaty. (3) This Framework Agreement was then to be implemented in each country of the European Union. On 21 February 2006, the Luxembourg social partners (the Confederation of Luxembourg Enterprises and the trade unions OGB-L and LCGB) signed a cross-sectoral agreement on the legal aspects of teleworking. (1) This Agreement constitutes the first set of rules on telework in Luxembourg. It is also the first time that the social partners have reached an agreement in the framework of the cross-sectoral social dialogue.

Employment contract In addition to the provisions that must be included in all employment contracts, a telework contract must contain the specific details of the telework situation (in particular the place of telework). (4) Law of 30. June 2004 on collective employment, article 41 (Mémorial A, page 1781). Transition from telework to standardised working arrangements • Industrial research: support and participation in industrial research activities to explore viable options to combat the release of microplastics and contribute to solving a global problem • ECHA restriction on intentionally added microplastics Unintentional release of microplastics into the global sea and freshwater is relevant for human health and the environment, although the potential risks are still fully assessed. • Member States` circular economy initiatives “teleworking” is a form of organisation and/or implementation of work that must be: microplastics and ensure the implementation of existing legislation on plastics.â Radici Yarn joins forces with three key partners, VMC, Norman and Nytex, actors in the world of hosiery and seamless clothing for women and men, become one of the selected winners of the Fashiontech call for proposals with the ReuSix project. Through the European Regional Development Fund ERDF, this call supports R&D (industrial research and experimental development) projects aimed at innovating in the textile, fashion and accessories sectors in accordance with the principles of sustainability at all stages of the production chain, from design to material selection, through the production and distribution of products, all with the utmost respect for the environment. (2) Equal treatment Workers should not be discriminated against on grounds of their professional status as teleworkers, in particular as regards the following: • Submitted to the Commission and CEN. Confidential but soon public version ⢠Not enough certainty about emission mechanisms, routes, hot spots`¢ A voluntary industry initiative to combat the release of microplastics into the aquatic environment when washing synthetic textiles The Interprofessional Agreement (ICA) is a voluntary collaboration to prevent the release of microplastics into the aquatic environment when washing synthetic textiles. .

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