m. Contracting authority. If you are an individual who accepts these Terms on behalf of a legal entity, you represent that you have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of that entity. If you provide a legal entity or use an email address provided by a legal entity with which you are affiliated (for example. B, an employer) in connection with the purchase or renewal of a subscription, that legal entity will be treated as the owner of the subscription for the purposes of this Agreement. f. No agency. This Agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture. Your use of the Azure Service is subject to the terms of the agreement under which you obtained the Services.

d. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, the remainder will remain in full force and effect. “Online Services Terms of Use” means the terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Products available on www.microsoft.com/en-us/Licensing/product-licensing/products.aspx. The Online Services Terms of Use contain terms that govern your use of the Products and apply in addition to the terms of this Agreement. j. Additional software for use with the Online Services. In order to provide optimal access to and use of certain Online Services, you may install and use certain software in connection with your use of the Online Service, as described in the Online Services Terms of Use. We license software to you; we do not sell it.

Proof of your software license is (1) this Agreement, (2) an order confirmation, and (3) proof of payment. Your rights to access the software on any of them do not entitle you to enforce Microsoft patents or other Microsoft intellectual property rights in software or devices that access that device. a. Restriction. Each party`s aggregate liability for all claims under this Agreement shall be limited to direct damages up to the amount paid under this Agreement for the Online Service in the 12 months preceding the occurrence of the cause of action; provided that in no event does the total liability of a party for an Online Service exceed the amount paid when subscribing to that Online Service. For products provided free of charge, Microsoft`s liability is limited to direct damages up to a maximum of $5,000.00. “Portal” means the respective websites of the Online Services that may be found under products.office.com/en-us/home, azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/ or on another website identified by us. c. Suspension. We may suspend your use of the Online Services if: (1) it is reasonably necessary to prevent unauthorized access to Customer Data; (2) you fail to respond within a reasonable time to a claim for alleged breach under Section 5; (3) You will not pay any amount due under this Agreement; (4) you fail to comply with the Terms of Use or breach any other term of this Agreement; or (5) for Limited Offers, the Subscription becomes inactive if you do not access the Online Services as described in the Offer Details. If one or more of these conditions occur, then: b. Acceptable Use.

You may only use the Product in accordance with this Agreement. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or circumvent the technical limitations of the Product, except to the extent permitted by applicable law despite such limitations. You may not disable, manipulate or attempt to circumvent any billing mechanisms that measure your use of the Online Services. You may not rent, rent, loan, resell, transfer or host the Product or any part thereof to or for any third party, except as expressly permitted in this Agreement or the Online Services Terms. b. Transfers and assignments of licences. You may not assign or transfer any licenses, in whole or in part, to this Agreement without Microsoft`s consent. Any reference in this Agreement to “Day” is a calendar day. f. Taxes. Prices are exclusive of taxes, unless taxes other than those indicated on the invoice. You must pay all applicable taxes on value added, goods and services, sales, gross revenue or other transaction taxes, fees, fees or surcharges or surcharges of regulatory cost recovery or similar amounts due under this Agreement that we may collect from you under applicable law.

You are responsible for all applicable stamp duty and any other taxes you are required to pay by law, including taxes arising from the distribution or supply of products to your affiliates. We are responsible for all taxes based on our net income, gross income taxes levied instead of income or profit taxes, or taxes on our property. (i) Upon renewal of your Subscription, this Agreement will terminate and your Subscription will be subject to the terms and conditions set forth on the Portal on the date of renewal of your Subscription (the “Renewal Terms”). If you do not agree to the renewal terms, you can refuse to renew your subscription. (iii) Limited Offer. You will receive a limited number of online services free of charge for a limited period of time (e.g. B, in the form of a trial subscription or free account) or as part of another Microsoft offering (e.B. MSDN). The provisions of this Agreement regarding pricing, cancellation fees, payment and data storage may not apply. (ii) this Limited Warranty does not cover problems caused by an accident, misuse or use of the Products in a manner inconsistent with this Agreement or our published documentation or advice or that is due to events beyond our control; One. Right of Use.

We grant you the right to access and use the Online Services and to install and use the software included in your subscription as further described in this Agreement. We reserve all other rights. Azure Virtual WAN is a network service that provides streamlined, automated branch-to-branch connectivity through Azure. Virtual WAN enables customers to connect branch offices to each other and to Azure, and centralize their network and security requirements with virtual devices such as firewalls and Azure networking and security services. One. Duration of the contract and termination. This Agreement will survive the expiration, termination or renewal of your subscription, whichever comes first. j. Survival.

The terms of Sections 1, 2.c., 2.e., 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. This Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement is between the entity you represent or, if you do not designate a legal entity in connection with a purchase or subscription renewal, between you personally (“you” or “your”) and Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”, “we”, “us” or “our”). It consists of the following terms and conditions, as well as the terms and conditions for online services, SLAs and offer details for your subscription or renewal (collectively, the “Agreement”). It will take effect on the day we provide you with confirmation of your subscription or on the date your subscription is renewed. Key terms are defined in Section 8. Microsoft is improving the shopping experience to better serve all customers, whether you`re embarking on a digital transformation or securing your place in a competitive marketplace. It also doesn`t matter if your organization is large or small, you can still make purchases through the Microsoft Customer Agreement. When someone makes a purchase in your organization, you agree to the same agreement. As a free service, AKS does not offer a financially secure service level agreement. We will strive to achieve at least 99.5% availability for the Kubernetes API server. The availability of agent nodes in your cluster is covered by the virtual machine`s SLA. For more information, see the virtual machine SLA.

(i) By ordering or renewing a subscription, you agree to the offer details for that subscription. Unless otherwise stated in the details of the offer, online services are offered “as available”. You may place orders for your Affiliates under this Agreement and grant your Affiliates administrator rights to administer the Subscription, but Affiliates may not place orders under this Agreement. You may also assign the rights granted under Section 1.a. to a third party for use by that third party in your internal business. If you grant rights to affiliates or third parties with respect to the Software or your subscription, such affiliates or third parties are bound by this Agreement and you agree to be jointly and severally liable for all actions of such affiliates or third parties in connection with their use of the Products. e. Responsibility for your accounts. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all non-public authentication credentials related to your use of the Online Services. You must promptly notify our customer support team of any possible misuse of your accounts or authentication credentials or any security incident related to the Online Services.

e. Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver. d. Customer Data. You are solely responsible for the content of all Customer Data. You secure and retain all rights to Customer Data necessary for us to provide the Online Services to you without violating the rights of third parties or obliging Microsoft to them or third parties. Microsoft assumes no obligation with respect to Customer Data or your use of the Product, except as expressly provided in this Agreement or as required by applicable law. The Azure AD Terms of Service use use use pdf to view content. The PDF file can contain any content, e.B existing contract documents, so you can capture the end user`s contracts when the user logs in. .