With a term lease, the landlord agrees to rent to the tenant, and the tenant agrees to pay the rent to the landlord for a certain period of time. Most often, this is done in the form of a one-year lease. A fixed-term lease can only be terminated if there is a violation of the Landlord and Tenant Act or the lease or lease expires. With a week-to-week rental, the tenant would pay a weekly rent. The notice period that a landlord or tenant needs to terminate the lease is also shorter. For more information, see our help topic on cancellation notifications. (3) If a tenant continues to use or live in a residential property after the expiry of a limited period of time and the termination of the tenancy agreement 7. (1) At the time a tenancy agreement is entered into between the landlord and the tenant, the landlord shall provide the tenant with a copy of this Act and the regulations and sign an acknowledgement of receipt at the request of the landlord. If a landlord and tenant enter into a written lease, the landlord is required to provide the tenant with a signed copy of the contract within ten days of signing. If the landlord does not provide a copy of the signed lease within ten days, the tenant has the right to withhold the rent until a copy is provided! Indeed, a written lease is intended to provide some protection to both the landlord and the tenant. It would not be fair for a landlord to have a signed copy of the agreement and related protections while preventing the tenant from having the same protection by refusing to provide a copy of the agreement. When a lease is entered into with a new tenant, the landlord is legally required to provide the tenant with a copy of the Tenancy Act.

This is mandatory, whether the rental contract is written, oral or implied, and whether the contract is from week to week, month to month or temporary. A written notification of an oral or implied rental agreement by the landlord must contain the following information: A fixed-term rental agreement can only be concluded for a period of between six and twelve months. A lease that lasts less than six months is considered a monthly contract. A rental contract may not exceed twelve months. Any lease entered into for a period of more than twelve months would become a monthly contract after the first year, regardless of the period for which the contract was valid. It may be easier to explain the concept of implicit lease with an example. Suppose a landlord has a basement apartment that is currently uninhabited and offers it to a friend in need. No details have been discussed and there is no written agreement, but the owner`s friend has been in the apartment for several months, paying the landlord $500 a month in rent. The fact that the friend paid the rent and lived in the unit and the landlord accepted the rent would create a landlord-tenant relationship. Since the money is paid in exchange for the right to occupy a residential building, there would be an implied lease between the two parties. There are different types of leases, each with slightly different rules depending on the duration of the contract.

A lease can be from one week to the next, from one month to another or for a fixed period. A lease can be written, oral or implied. All grant the tenant the right to occupy and use a residential building in exchange for paying rent to the landlord, and all three fall under exactly the same rules of rights and obligations. In the case of a written lease, all conditions, including the amount of rent and all rules, are written on paper and signed by both the landlord and tenant. An oral lease would be when the landlord and tenant discussed the details orally and reached an agreement, but did not record anything in writing. An implied lease is slightly different. In the case of an implied lease, nothing has been discussed in detail, but due to the circumstances, it is assumed that a lease exists. WARNING This residential lease model is a guideline for the benefit of landlords and tenants. Therefore, this model agreement does not purport to be exhaustive and cannot contain provisions that relate to all the circumstances of the contractual relationship between a landlord and a tenant. The government accepts no liability for losses arising from this model agreement or the contractual relationship of a landlord or tenant.

Any reliance on this Model Agreement is at your own risk. 4. SELECT PARAGRAPH (a) OR (b) – NOT BOTH (a) (month to month or week after week) This contract starts on ___ and runs from _____ month to month or _____ from week to week (check only one) (b) FIXED TERM (_ month) This contract starts on __ and ENDS ON ____ (a) is not given, the relationship between the landlord and the tenant will continue under the terms of the rental agreement, however, the tenancy may be terminated by termination in accordance with point (b) of paragraph 18(1) or point (b) of Article 18(2); or owners can offer fixed-term leases (in Dutch) for 2 years (private sector independent apartments) and for 5 years (non-independent apartments). .