CONSTRUCTIVE EVICTION – actions of a landlord that disrupt or materially impair the enjoyment of the premises rented by the tenant that a tenant is effectively forced to move and terminate the lease without being responsible for any other rent. TITLE SUMMARY – A concise history and summary of the title of a specific property, as well as a statement of all privileges and charges that affect the property. The summary of the property does not guarantee or ensure the validity of the ownership of the property. It simply reveals objects on the property that are known to the public, and therefore does not reveal things like assaults, counterfeits, etc. HABENDUM CLAUSE – The part of the deed that begins with the words “have and hold” follows the grant clause and reaffirms the extent of ownership transferred by the grantor. FEASIBILITY STUDY – Analysis of a proposed project with a focus on achievable revenues, likely expenses, and the most beneficial use and design. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT – A report that includes a detailed description of a proposed development project with a focus on the existing environment, both from a local and regional perspective, and a discussion of the likely impact of the project on the environment at all stages. TASK – The voluntary renunciation or renunciation of ownership of real property with the intention of terminating possession or interest, but without transferring that interest to another person. UNILATERAL CONTRACT – A contract in which one party enters into a performance obligation without receiving in return an explicit promise of performance from the other party, such as e.B. an open registration contract in which the seller agrees to pay a commission to the first broker who uses a willing, willing and capable buyer.

RENT – Fixed regular payment made by a tenant or resident of a property to the owner for ownership and use, usually by prior agreement of the parties. LEVERAGE – The use of borrowed funds to buy an investment property in the hope that the property acquired will increase in return, so that the investor will make a profit not only with his own investment, but also with the borrowed funds; using a smaller investment to get a higher return by borrowing. ZONING – The regulation of property structures and uses in specific districts or areas. Zoning regulates and affects things like land use, types of structures allowed, building heights, setbacks, and density (the ratio of land area to improvement area). TITLE COLOR – A condition that has the appearance of a good title, but in reality is not a valid title, as if the title were based on a written document that, at first glance, seems valid and effective, but is actually invalid. ADVERSE PROPERTY – The acquisition of ownership of real estate owned by another person through an open, notorious and continuous property during the legal period (20 years in Hawaii). EMINENT DOMAIN – The right of government, both state and federal, to take private property for necessary public use, paying fair compensation to the owner. TOTAL, RENTAL BY – A form of co-ownership of property between husband and wife with the right to survival. TIME SHARING – A modern approach to community ownership and real estate use that allows multiple buyers to acquire undivided shares in properties (typically located in a condominium or resort hotel) with the right to use the facility for a fixed or variable period of time.

REFINANCING – The act of obtaining a new loan to repay an existing loan; the process of repaying one loan with the proceeds of another. PURCHASE AGREEMENT – A written agreement whereby a person sells, surrenders or transfers their right to personal ownership or interest in another person`s personal property. DENSITY – A term often used in the context of zoning requirements, which refers to the maximum number of building units per hectare or the number of residents or families per area (hectares, square miles, etc.); as a general rule, the ratio between the area of the land and the area of improvement. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY – A written registration contract that gives an agent the right to sell a property for a certain period of time, but reserves the right to sell the property himself without paying commission. DEPOSIT – money offered by a potential buyer as a good faith indication when entering into a purchase contract; serious money; Guarantee for the execution of a contract by the buyer. Weekly Package, or “Semanal Package” as it is called in Cuba, is a term used by Cubans to describe information collected on the Internet outside of Cuba and stored on hard drives to be transported within Cuba itself. Weekly packages are then sold to Cubans without internet access, so they can only receive information for a few days – and sometimes hours – after accessing the internet. GENERAL CONTRACTOR – A construction specialist who enters into a formal construction contract with a principal owner or tenant to construct a building or real estate project. RUN WITH LAND – Rights or agreements that bind or favor successive owners of a property are intended to run with the land, such as.B. restrictive construction agreements in a registered deed that would affect all future owners of the property.

OFF-SITE COSTS – Costs such as sewers, roads, utilities, etc., incurred in the development of gross land but not related to the actual construction of buildings (on-site costs). HUCKEPACK LOAN – A joint loan with two lenders who share a single mortgage. REALTOR – A registered word that can only be used by an active real estate agent who is a member of the state and local real estate committee affiliated with the National Association of Realtors. The use of the name REALTOR and the unmistakable seal in advertising is strictly subject to the rules and regulations of the National Association. DEPTH TABLE – Percentage tables designed to provide a unified system for measuring the additional value of batches created by the additional depth, evaluating the additional depth based on the additional benefit it generates. DISCLAIMER – A statement that disclaims any legal liability, often in the form of “There are no promises, representations, verbal agreements or agreements except herein.” NOVATION – The replacement of an old obligation by a new one; Replacement of new parties to an existing obligation when the parties to an agreement accept a new debtor instead of an old one. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT – An agreement whereby a former hypothecary creditor agrees to subordinate or assign his or her senior position to an existing or intended future lien. BREACH OF CONTRACT – breach of any of the terms of a contract without legal excuse; Default, non-performance, such as.B. non-payment on due date. RENTAL AGREEMENT – A written or oral agreement that establishes or modifies the terms, rules, regulations or other provisions relating to the use and occupation of a residential unit and land; a residential property lease agreement. LEGAL INTEREST RATE – The maximum interest rate allowed by law, where anything above that interest rate is usury.

PRIME RATE – The minimum interest rate that a commercial bank charges on short-term loans to its largest and strongest customers (those with the highest credit rating). TOWNHOUSE – A type of residential unit that usually has two floors, with the living room and kitchen on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the second floor. PLOTTING – The merging or consolidation of neighboring properties into a larger batch, resulting in improved ease of use and increased value; also called assembly. Spartan is the code name for the new Microsoft Windows 10 browser that will replace Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer. The new browser is developed from scratch and ignores any code from the IE platform. It has a new rendering engine designed to be compatible with the way the web is written today. .